Are You Ready to See the LIGHT? - October 21, 2011

Are You Ready to See the LIGHT? - October 21, 2011
On dates preordained by God and revealed to His servant Dr. John Cook Bennett, Freemason and Founder of the Latter Day Saints, we Dr. Bennett's spiritual Brethren of the Order of Melchizadok will sound the Seven Trumpets of the Revelation, heralding the Wedding of Heaven and Earth in the New Temple of the Zion. Though we may be reviled for defying our Brethren, it is our sacred duty to fulfill this Charge.

We are the Temple of the New Name, a Christian fraternity of former Freemasons who have been Charged by His servant to reveal ancient and awesome Truths at appointed hours.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Revelation of St. Bennett - Final Trumpet October 21, 2011

June 13, 2011

We are a Christian fraternity composed of former Freemasons. While there is no prohibition against brethren discussing theological matters with the uninitiated, the fraternity does prohibit initiates from public disclosure of their membership.
For this reason, we have with deep regret each chosen to leave the lodge in order to bring a glorious message to Christians worldwide, one that has been concealed by the wise, even from kings and bishops, since before one stone was set upon another. We know we will be vilified by our brethren for our actions, and others will call us False Prophets, but our consciences dictated this course.
We felt compelled to come forward at this time because the Reverend Howard Camping recently-updated prediction for the date of Judgement Day, October 21, 2011 aligns with a date that appears in a document written in 1839 by one of the fathers of the Latter Day Saints, Dr. John Cook Bennett, before joining the Nauvoo Lodge in Illinois. The fragments of the document – it was badly damaged by water – are now in the possession of one of his descendants. This heir to Dr. Bennett's legacy is a founding member of our order.
Until recently, the fragments of the document were sealed in a folio embossed with the words “Brethren of John Cook Bennett. Sealed until the Tenth Year of the Second Millennium After Christ.” When Bennett's heir opened the folio and discovered the poor condition of the document, he went to one of his Masonic brethren for assistance in reassembling and transcribing the fragments.
The result of their effort was the recovery of 16 pages constituting eight handwritten letters, each marked with a different date. Each of the last seven letters, called “Trumpets,” lifts a veil on the Holy Scripture. Their initial reaction after reading the letters was one of horror. Dr. Bennett's vision seemed blasphemous. It wasn't until they prayed and read that they realized that the terrible truth of Dr. Bennett's vision was a Key that unlocked a great secret of the Holy Bible, the Church, and of mankind itself. It is the same secret that was sought by many, including many Freemasons, but known only to Prophets and Saints. With this Key, the perfect truth of the Gospel is revealed in its full glory.
Bennett's heir and his friend also realized that Dr. Bennett's vision explained the true purpose of the Masonic Temple, hidden from all but a few founding Masters. When Bennett's heir and his fellow realized the enormity of the Trumpets, and feeling bound by the charge that Dr. Bennett had laid on them, they naturally sought the advice of their Masonic brethren. The Trumpets were not well-received. Few brethren saw the importance of the “Trumpets”, and Bennett's heir was instructed to remain silent on the matter. Some of us, though, saw immediately that the document was of profound importance to the world, and felt bound by Brother Bennett's charge to reveal his Trumpets on the given dates.
We left the Lodge to form a new Temple, and a new Order to spread the good news – that the Revelation approaches, and the final Trumpet will sound on October 21, 2011.

Due to potential threats to our lives and families, we must remain anonymous until October 13, at which time we will reveal our identities and face the consequences of our individual actions, along with everyone else. At this time, we will also open the documents to inspection by a qualified expert for authentication. However, we feel that until the day approaches when the full weight of Dr. Bennett's revelations are being felt, that we only place his divine message at risk of censorship and ridicule.


Brethren of the Order of Melchizadok
Temple of the New Name 

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